
Advanced Filters
07:45am - 08:45am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V100 Austin S

07:35am - 07:45am EDT - October 8, 2021


  • 1. The provider will be able to use both objective and subjective data when assessing their patient, in order to discern when someone should be referred for Adv HF Evaluation. 2. The care providers will know what testing to order to help determine what stage of HF their patient is in and be able to interrogate the results. 3. The participant will be able to recognize the options available to patients who have stage D HF or are nearing that point.
08:45am - 09:15am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V200 Ben S
Credits Available:
0.50 CE
In this presentation, we will explore explore the vast array of interrelated derangements and to stress the bi-directional nature of the heart kidney interaction.

  • 1. The Provider will understand the factors/lab testing that signify Cardio-renal syndrome. 2. The Provider will understand the treatments and methods to try to counteract Cardio-renal syndrome.
09:15am - 09:45am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V300 Taylor R
Credits Available:
0.50 CE

  • 1. The participant will be able to recognize the normal pressure ranges and blood flow in the heart. 2. The participant will be able to use hemodynamics to determine the appropriate therapy for a heart failure patient.
10:00am - 10:30am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V100 Austin S
Credits Available:
0.50 CE

  • 1. The participant will be able to recognize the WHO classes of PHTN. 2. The participant will be able to recognize the hemodynamics that discern PAH from PVH.
10:30am - 11:00am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V200 Ben S
Credits Available:
0.50 CE
This session will address the management of out-patients with advance heart failure who who are not eligible for advanced therapies. Pharmacologic and other approaches to care will be discussed.

  • 1. The participate will describe a step-by-step approach to diuretic escalation in a patient with advanced heart failure who demonstrates fluid retention and diuretic resistance. 2. The participate will be able to list 3 or more non-pharmacologic interventions for the management of patients with advanced heart failure. 3. The participant will identify high risk parameters which would prompt a referral to hospice in a patient with advanced heart failure, ineligible for surgical interventions.
11:00am - 11:45am EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V300 Taylor R
Credits Available:
0.75 CE

  • 1. Provide examples of patients with end-stage heart failure warranting evaluation for advanced therapies. 2. Discuss relative versus absolute contraindications for LVAD therapy and heart transplant through these examples.
01:15pm - 01:45pm EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V200 Ben S
Credits Available:
0.50 CE

  • 1. The participant will be able to identify the appropriate candidate for Mitral Clip, TAVR or Tricuspid clip, along with the studies involved in making the decision. 2. The participant will recognize the care needed following a structural heart procedure.
01:45pm - 02:15pm EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V300 Taylor R
Credits Available:
0.50 CE

  • 1. Discuss components and diagnostic work-up for advanced heart failure therapies 2. Review the key healthcare providers and their roles in evaluating patients for advanced HF therapies
02:30pm - 03:15pm EDT - October 8, 2021 | Room: V100 Austin S
Credits Available:
0.75 CE

  • 1. Discuss evaluation and management of infiltrative and genetic cardiomyopathies 2. Describe evaluation and management strategies for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy